Fayçal Tirich bio photo

Fayçal Tirich

Constantly learning how to `dexterously` craft clean code

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This is a TDD exercise SQLI Morocco used as a challenge in a recruitment campaign

It’s about vehicles and their door sensors. A vehicle is displayed as bellow:

door 1 | | door 2
door 3 |_| door 4

For example to represent the vehicle with door 2 and 3 as open:

door 1   | \ door 2
door 3   /_| door 4

In plus, each vehicle has a different consumption according to its Fuel type:

  • Diesel: 5%
  • Gasoline: 6%
  • Hybrid: 3%


After at least 8 months of full time programming with PHP/Symfony, I needed to get back to Java and keep my brain JVM compiler alive… and it was raining all this weekend :)
So it was a perfect memory-refresh for me and I think it can also play a nice code kata theme.

Main test class

public class VehiclesTest {

    private Vehicles vehicles;

    public void initVehicles() {
        vehicles = new Vehicles("CAR:Hybrid:4, TRUCK:Diesel:2, MOTORCYCLE:Gasoline:0");

    public void testCar() {
        String report = vehicles.move("CAR", "1 2 3 4", "200 KM");
        Assert.assertEquals("DOORS OK, MOVING. The CAR will consume 6.00 L", report);

    public void testTruck() {
        String report = vehicles.move("TRUCK", "1 2", "1000 KM");
        Assert.assertEquals("DOORS OK, MOVING. The TRUCK will consume 50.00 L", report);

    public void testMotorCycle() {
        String report = vehicles.move("MOTORCYCLE", "", "50 KM");
        Assert.assertEquals("DOORS OK, MOVING. The MOTORCYCLE will consume 3.00 L", report);

    public void testCarFrontRightDoorNotClosed() {
         The car should be displayed as below :
          | \

        String report = vehicles.move("CAR", "1 3 4", "200 KM");
        Assert.assertEquals("DOORS KO, BLOCKED \n"+
                            "  _\n"+
                            " | \\\n"+
                            " |_|", report);

    public void testCarBackLeftDoorNotClosed() {
         The car should be displayed as below :
          | |

        String report = vehicles.move("CAR", "1 2 4", "200 KM");
        Assert.assertEquals("DOORS KO, BLOCKED \n"+
                            "  _\n"+
                            " | |\n"+
                            " /_|", report);

You can find my first solution in this GitHub repo